One piece 840
One piece 840

one piece 840

I’m not surprised Vegapunk is invlolved when it comes to a storyline like this though. I love how Germa is a “kingdom of science“ and apparantly Judge too is extremly intellingent and has even worked alongside Vegapunk. Also, do the soldiers have permanent sunglasses? Is there something wrong with their eyes, or do they just look cooler this way? ^^’‘‘ I think the culture fluid sounds kinda interesting, I suppose it’s something that gives them memories or manipulates them to follow orders or something? Either way, Yonji tells Sanji that humans can be manufactured and he’s extremly shocked of course, while Yonji looks very proud and smug. We start exactly where the last chapter left off, with Sanji and Yonji in the lab. This will be a long one again and it also contains some foreshadowing theories.

one piece 840

I love this being the year of Sanji! But on to the proper review for chapter 840 - Iron Mask. I’m sill amazed Oda gave us two Vinsmoke only chapters in a row, and it’s possible the next one too might have some more of them. On the other hand I hate what Sanji had to go through as a child, and once again we got a chapter that made me cry. I personally really enjoyed this chapter, and I think that Oda is making a great job with the current arc and developing Sanji as a character. What a chapter… I’ve talked about it breifly, but there really is so much more to say considering all the things this chapter uncovered. Also, I can’t ignore a chapter like this in the year of Sanji. But I had written most of it already and felt like I might as well post it even though it’s late. I know it’s late… First I wasn’t sure there was any point in even posting it.

One piece 840